
is implementing a project chosen for co-financing
from the European Regional Development Fund provided through Polska Agencja Rozwoju Przedsiębiorczości S.A. under Measure 3.4. Working capital subsidies of the Smart Growth Operational Programme 2014-2020

Project title: Working capital subsidy for Burhens Sp. z o.o.

Project objective: The main objective of the project is to keep the company a going concern during the COVID-19 epidemic.

Project duration: 1.07.2020- 30.09.2020

Project value: PLN 357,728.61

Value of European Funds: PLN 357,728.61

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Burhens Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością

(Burhens Limited Company)


carries out the project selected for funding
from European Regional Development Fund
in the framework of a project grant with title
“Pomerania Export Broker. Complex export support system
In Pomorskie-voivodship”
carried out by Agencja Rozwoju Pomorza S.A. company
under Measure 2.3.  Export activity for the Priority Axis
2. Company within Regional Operational Programme for Pomorskie-voivodship 2014-2020.

Project Title: Export growth of Burhens sp. z o.o. on the Nordic market.

Project Objective: The main objective of the Project is development of export and promotion of the Company and its export product – upholstered furniture – at a renown international trade fair and exhibition Stockholm Furniture & Light Fair

The company expects that as a result of the implementation of the co-financed project, it will confirm the uniqueness and high quality of the products offered, strengthen the cooperation with existing business partners and establish new business relations

The success of the project will also contribute to international promotion of the region.

Project time: 30 November 2018 – 28 February 2019.

Project Value: 79 737 PLN

EU Fund Contribution: 39 868.50 PLN

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Burhens Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością

(Burhens Limited Company)


carries out the project selected for funding
from European Regional Development Fund
in the framework of a project grant with title
“Pomerania Export Broker. Complex export support system
In Pomorskie-voivodship”
carried out by Agencja Rozwoju Pomorza S.A. company
under Measure 2.3.  Export activity for the Priority Axis
2. Company within Regional Operational Programme for Pomorskie-voivodship 2014-2020.

Project title: Promoting Burhens trade mark on the Scandinavian markets.

Project goal: Main goal of the project is developing expert activity and promoting the company and its export product on the key international exhibition event Stockholm Furniture & Light Fair.

The company expects that the result of implementing the project it will strengthen itself on the Scandinavian market and competitiveness of the products based on the gained knowledge and experience, as well as will establish new sales markets which will results in  increased sales.

The success of the project will also promote the region abroad.

Duration of the project: 1st January 2020 – 28th February 2020

Project value: 120,290 PLN

European Funds contribution: 60,000 PLN

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Burhens Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością

(Burhens Limited Liability Company)


carries out the project selected for funding
from European Regional Development Fund
in the framework of a project grant with title:
“Pomeranian Export Broker. Complex export supporting system in the Pomorskie-voivodship”
carried out by Agencja Rozwoju Pomorza S.A. company
under Measure 2.3.  Export activity for the priority axis 2. Company within Regional Operational Programme for Pomorskie-voivodship 2014-2020.

Project title: Internationalisation of Burhens trade mark on the new Scandinavian markets.


Project goal: Main goal of this project is to continue company development measures based on export activities and promoting the company and its product on the most prominent Fall Exhibition Event for the furniture industry in Scandinavia: Möbelmässan Göteborg.

The company expects that implementing of the funded project will result in confirm the unique features and high quality of the provided products, strengthen the cooperation with the existing business partners and help to establish new business relations.

The success of this project will also promote the region abroad.

Duration of the project: 1st August 2019 – 31st December 2021

Project value: 120,192 PLN

European Funds contribution: 60,000 PLN